What Is Managed Hosting? – Cleveland Internships

Your business will benefit from the use of an e-commerce site. The Youtube video “Managed Hosting – Web Development” explains this concept perfectly, so you’ll be able to determine if you require the web site or you don’t.

In the last few years managed hosting has experienced numerous shifts. In the past, it was possible to rent computers from data centers. Managed hosting now offers choices like AWS, Rackspace, Linode, etc. They allow you to rent machines by the hour. As an example, Amazon and many others use AWS and usually need to pay around 10 cents an hour for the service. You don’t need to consider the cost of electricity and bandwidth in these situations. Bandwidth costs you just a little bit, depending on the information.

There is the option of using an operating system, however it is intended that you do not have to deal with installing machines and handling them. If one breaks there’s no need to get it replaced. It’s not part of the business. Reddit also uses managed hosting, although they used to possess their own computer that are now in an office that is empty.

For additional information on managed hosting, you can go through the entire video. fg5tg5wfrz.